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Blogs 2024

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Dealing with a narcissist

Dealing with a narcissist and narcissistic behavior is a significant challenge both personally and professionally. The first step is becoming aware of the fact that you're dealing with a narcissist. The key characteristic is the absence of an emotional connection. If you're dealing with someone who seems to have a sixth sense, you may later realize that your emotions have been manipulated, and you only saw their outward mask.

How do you handle this narcissistic behavior when you're still in a relationship or working in an environment where suppression occurs? How do you ensure that you step out of this emotional suppression? 

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Discovering your life's purpose to be your true self

Knowing what your purpose is in this life and what you find valuable brings peace and clarity. You can steer your own life and prevent others or random circumstances from determining your path. Discovering your life's purpose gives meaning to your existence. If you follow your heart and utilize your talents, new doors and opportunities open up for you. The question is, how do you treat yourself along the way? Because on the journey to your life's purpose, you will encounter obstacles and intense challenges. In this blog, I will explain why this happens and how you can cope with it. Do you want to discover your life's purpose, fully embrace it, and take the necessary steps?

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How do you reverse disruptive factors and unexplained physical complaints? (Medically Unexplained Symptoms) How do you prevent physical disorders?

Do you want to get rid of chronic pain or fatigue? The feeling of being exhausted and often feeling anxious and frustrated no matter what you do? Are these feelings starting to negatively affect you and your relationships, customers or your environment? You sense everything that you want to turn it around, but you don't know how to do this. Read this blog, because by tackling the pain and fatigue at the core, including tools, you can be full of energy, health and enthusiasm in life again and also learn how to prevent physical complaints.

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Self-reflection to gain control over your emotions

You may have experienced situations in which certain triggers suddenly cause you to be emotionally affected, temporarily throwing you off balance. You feel uncomfortable because, in that moment, the emotion is intensely present, permeating every cell of your body. Think of fears, traumas, and pains in this context. Ideally, you want to run away or disappear into the ground—anything to regain control over these emotional triggers.

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