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Personal growth is perhaps the most important aspect of a person's life. Focus on growth and achieve more through awareness, then high sensitivity as strength is also possible. This gives you insight into situations and helps you understand why certain things happen in your life. It's about being aware in everything going on in you. So many people are unaware of their internal world and never stop and think about whether what they do really suits them. Everyone has freedom of choice and can choose whether or not to work on their awareness.
Become aware of your behaviour and see if this fits in with what your heart is really telling you to do. It may sound simple, but I can assure you that it personally took me 20 years, to learn to really live 100% authentically and listen to my heart. The next step is to start working on it. Look for the people, books and training courses that suit you. One point to remember, is to pay attention to your inner awareness every day. Highly sensitive people often experience life in a different way. High sensitivity as a strength is absolutely possible. I am happy to help you get to the root of your problems.
Psychologist, Elaine Aron, introduced the term highly sensitive person, in 1996. Aron describes a highly sensitive person as someone who feels stimuli more intensely than someone who is not highly sensitive. High sensitivity is a personality trait. People who identify with this are more sensitive to environmental, social and emotional stimuli. They perceive more stimuli and/or they hit home harder. This might also be familiar:
In my coaching practice, I am frequently asked why there is such a difference in the challenges everyone has to face. This is related to your soul, whether you are a young or old soul. As an old soul you simply need more intense challenges for your personal growth. It is important to work on your process of awareness every day so can bring your unique life mission into the world. It makes no difference whether you are a mother at heart or whether you describe yourself as an entrepreneur. It's about being completely dedicated to fulfilling your personal mission. Your mission reflected in your daily life and is something you really like to do and want to achieve.
During my process of awareness I discovered I have a strongly developed 6th sense I, as an old soul, shifted my situation from the dark side to the sunny, light side in 5 years. Now I am able to discover a person's core problem in a one-on-one conversation. It may be at a different level than you could ever have imagined. It's easy to become over-stimulated as HSP. High sensitivity as strength is possible if you learn to handle your energy management well every day. I give you the tools and support to help you; you can continue to apply that after the sessions. My gift is being able to see the core problem immediately, and in 1 or more sessions, resolve it for you. Then you can move forward with your personal growth.
Suppose you have been dealing with insecurity for 30 years. You've tried everything but nothing helps. In our first session I home in on your body, which stores everything. When it comes to feeling insecure, it may be that you suffered trauma in a past life. By resolving the trauma, you are free to move on in this life. This is called life coaching.
In my personal journey to awareness I developed and went through the 5-step method. These steps help you to deal with the core problem. What the 5 steps entail is described below.
In this first session, we immediately tackle your core problem through a visualisation. This visualisation (also virtual) helps get to the root of your problem in a state of relaxation. This is such a powerful approach, it liberates you in just a couple of sessions, so you can break the vicious circle. I explain the lessons contained in it, and why this has crossed your path.
With every core problem there are emotions. If the core is actually taken out of your system, what remains is the emotion. You work on feeling these emotions fully and letting them go. Depending on what your request for help is and whether or not you have an old soul, which means you often have more challenges, you receive the tools for letting go of your emotions.
For each theme of your core problem (e.g. insecurity, fear, injustice, mistrust), not only emotions, beliefs too, are formed by situations in your youth or previous lives. Your mindset can help you here. Choose unconditionally for positive thoughts and you attract positivity like a magnet. I help you with the tools that suit you.
Once you have tackled your core problem, you grow at an energetic level. Work with positive beliefs to stimulate this growth. Once you know what your old beliefs were and their effect on you, you can truly choose consciously for positive and new beliefs that align with your core values.
To reprogramme yourself it is important to repeat a new belief for at least 21 days to anchor it in your system. You are aware of your core problem and develop a new belief. Evaluate your progress every week. Use the EMPOWER model as guide and reference work.
If you identify with this and feel that the above is true, then schedule a free session with me. Even if you can't totally get your head around it, High sensitivity as a strength is possible for you as HSP. Tell me what you're up against and we will home in on the core together. In just a short time, you can move on to what is really important for you: fulfilling your life's mission.
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